Contact Us
If you need a form, permit or certificate that is not listed below, please email the Fire Chief or phone 519-595-2800 ext. 226 or 233
Open Air Burn/Fire Permit
Open-Air Controlled Burn Permit - this permit is not available online, but can be obtained by calling 519-595-2800. Dial 2 for the Fire Department. You will be asked for the following information:
- Name, municipal address
- Time and date(s) of burn
- Type of materials you wish to burn
- Contact Information
NOTE: Leaving a message with this information does not give you permission to burn. You must obtain approval directly with staff.
If you discover an uncontrolled/unattended open air fire, it is very important that you report fires immediately to 9-1-1. Do not delay reporting while attempting to control or extinguish the fire.
Recreational campfires are permitted in Perth East without a permit within the parameters of the Township's Open Air Burn By-Law.
Fire Prevention is monitoring the burns and is attending properties to verify they meet the bylaw.
Every person who sets a fire in contravention of this by-law or who fails to extinguish a fire once ordered to do so by the Fire Chief shall, in addition to any penalty provided for herein, be liable to the Township for all expenses incurred for the purpose of investigating, controlling and extinguishing any fire set or left to burn including vehicle, manpower and other firefighting costs, and such expenses may be recovered by court action or in a like manner as municipal taxes.
The Fire Chief or his designate is hereby authorized to enter, at all reasonable times and upon any property in the Township, in order to ascertain whether the provisions of this by-law are being obeyed. The Fire Chief or his designate is hereby further empowered to enforce or carry into effect the provisions of this By-law.
The cost for fire crews to attend and extinguish a fire is $509.89 per truck / per hour, until they are back in service, plus any applicable fees incurred under the Provincial Offences Act.
Fireworks are a fun way to celebrate a holiday, however there are legal and safety precautions that MUST be taken before buying, selling or discharging of fireworks.
Sale – Permit Application
The sale of any fireworks within the Township requires a Permit from the Fire Chief.
Please click here for the sale of fireworks application.
The fee is $100.00 and is payable by cheque, cash or debit.
Discharge – permit – high hazard
Any High Hazard fireworks display requires an approved permit from the Municipality. No permit is required for low hazard (consumer) fireworks but you are required to follow the Township By-law (see below).
Please click here for the high hazard fireworks application.
The fee is $100.00 and is payable by cheque, cash or debit.
Discharge – days – permitted – time restrictions
Low hazard fireworks displays are permitted between 8:00 PM and midnight on the designated days of New Years Eve, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday and Labour Day or other such days as approved by the Fire Chief. In the event that weather conditions such as rain, fog, smog or wind, make it impractical and/or unsafe to set off fireworks, the next day preceding or following the designated day shall become the designated day
For all rules and regulations regarding the sale, display and discharge of Fireworks, visit the By-laws section of the website and review the Fireworks By-law.
If you have specific questions about fireworks, including fireworks safety, please contact the Fire Chief at 519-595-2800 ext. 226 or email the Fire Chief.