Contact Us
Tanya Bettridge
Public Educator/Administrative Assistant
Email the Public Educator/Administrative Assistant
P: 519-595-2800 x233
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FPW 2023 - October 8 to October 14
Fire Prevention Week is the longest-running public health observance in North America, beginning in 1922 and is sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association. It is observed each year during the week of October 9th in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Each year a new theme is promoted to address the many different fire risks in our communities. This year the theme is “Cooking safety starts with you. Pay attention to fire prevention.”
The Perth East Fire Department is excited to announce that we will once again be hosting our Annual Fire Prevention Week Open Houses! We welcomed back our community to the Stations in 2022 and are happy to be able to share what we do again this year!
While we do provide Fire and Life Safety Education services throughout the year, Fire Prevention Week gives us the opportunity to bring our residents to us. Not only to learn about how to keep themselves safe from fire, but also to showcase our station and firefighters and all the hard work and dedication it takes to provide our three lines of defense to our communities; public education, prevention and emergency response.
This year we will be hosting our annual open houses at each of our three Stations. The open houses this year will include the following activities; stove top live fire demonstration, vehicle extrication demonstration, bunker gear try-on, hose spraying, fire truck tours, thermal imaging camera demos, fire safety table, as well as hot dog and refreshments. As an added game to provide an interactive experience, we will be doing a BINGO game contest where the kids will participate in each activity to get a stamp on their BINGO card. Once they have filled the card they can put it in the ballot box before they leave for a chance to WIN a $100 local gift card of their choice.
Milverton- Wednesday October 11th, 6pm - 8pm
Shakespeare- Thursday October 12th, 6pm - 8pm
Sebringville - Saturday October 14th, 10am - 12pm
Please have a look at some of the pictures from last years FPW events!
Our leaders in the community challenge you to test your smoke/CO alarms monthly!
PEFD & Fire Prevention Week
The Perth East Fire Department is a major supporter of the Fire Prevention Week program and regularly conducts activities such as:
- Fire Station Open Houses
- School & Group Visits
- Door-to-door smoke alarm campaigns
If your group would like a visit from the Fire Department, please contact us by email or by phone at 519-595-2800.
Sparky® the Fire Dog
Sit back and watch Sparky® the Fire Dog's video!
Hey kids, check it out! Visit Sparky® the Fire Dog's website, where you can do all sorts of activities and learn about fire safety the FUN way!