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Committees, Boards and Other Public Appointments for 2022 - 2026
Perth East residents can make a difference in their community by becoming a volunteer member of an Advisory Board or Committee!
If you are interested in serving on one of our many boards and committees, please fill out the application form and return to the Clerk's Department (25 Mill Street East, Milverton). You can fill out an application form and send to the Clerk's Department via mail or email.
Applications received for appointment to a Committee or Board that does not have a current vacant position are placed in the Appointment Application Bank for the calendar year and is accessed should a position become vacant in the calendar year. Any vacant positions will be posted below.
Perth East Public Library Board |
The Library Board is established in accordance with the Public Libraries Act. To be eligible, members must be 18 years or older, be Canadian Citizens and a resident of the Township of Perth East. Currently, the Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Visit the Perth East Public Library's website to learn more! |
Fence Viewers |
Fence Viewers do not meet regularly. Fence Viewers act in accordance with the Line Fences Act which sets out the procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes between owners of adjoining properties. Fence Viewers do not determine the location of a boundary line. |
Livestock Valuers |
Livestock Valuer are responsible to investigate claims for damages to livestock (killed or injured) and determine the type of predator that is responsible, as outlined in the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. Livestock Valuers do not meet regularly. Where an owner of livestock or poultry has discovered death or injury, a Valuer will be directed to make a full investigation and a report (in writing) detailing the damage and his/her Award. |
Property Standards Committee |
This Committee does not meet on a regular basis and is created in accordance with Section 15.6 of the Building Code Act, 1992 (as amended). A decision of the Perth East By-law Enforcement Officer to issue and "Order to Comply" with the Perth East Property Standards By-law may be appealed to this Committee. The Committee is not involved with the day to day enforcement of the Property Standards By-law. The Property Standards Committee is a decision-making committee appointed by Council and is established under the provisions of the Ontario Building Code Act. The committee hears appeals of property standards orders that have been issued under the building code and the Township's property standards by-law. The property standards by-law regulates items of safety and general upkeep of properties and buildings. By-law Enforcement and Building investigate and determine if the property standards by-law has been violated. If the property does not conform to the by-law, a property standards order is issued to the owner of the property. If an owner disagrees with the order or a portion of the order, they may appeal to the Property Standards Committee. The committee conducts a public hearing to address the appeal of the order and has the power to confirm, modify or rescind the order, to demolish or repair and to extend the time for complying with the order. |
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) |
The 17 municipalities within the Upper Thames watershed appoints representatives to the UTRCA's Board of Directors. The directors represent the local urban and rural communities, deciding policies and programs that lead to a healthy watershed. Visit the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority's website to learn more! |
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) |
A 26-member Board of Directors oversees the operation of the GRCA. The board approves policies, programs and budgets. This appointment is a shared representative for the Township of Perth East and the Municipality of North Perth. Visit the Grand River Conservation Authority's website to learn more! |
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) |
A 11-member Board of Directors that oversees the MVCA. This appointment is a shared representative for the Township of Perth East and the Municipality of West Perth. Visit the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority's website to learn more! |
Perth East Fire Department Joint Advisory Committee |
The Fire Committee is made up of representatives from Perth East Council and representatives from the Council of the Township of Perth South. The Fire Committee meets several times a year to discuss and make recommendations to Council regarding Fire Department policies and infrastructure. Visit the Perth East Fire Department to learn more! |
Perth East Budget Advisory Committee |
The Budget Committee is made up entirely of Perth East Council and its goal is to ensure the fiscally responsible and financially strategic direction of the Township in both the long and short term. All Budget Committee meetings are open to the public and budget meeting agendas are available for viewing online. To view details about the budget process, visit the Budget, Finance & Taxes page. |