Contact Us
The following list of frequently requested applications, forms and permits are available in either downloadable PDF or as an online form.
For more information or to acquire hard copy versions of any application, form or permit, please visit the Township of Perth East, 25 Mill Street East, Milverton.
Any fees related to the applications, forms and permits are based on the current Fees and Charges bylaw.
Property Tax/Utility |
One of the simplest ways to pay your property taxes and water bills is through a pre-authorized payment (PAP) plan. Both taxes and water can be set up to be deducted from your bank account on the due dates. Property taxes can also be set up for a monthly deduction.
NEW: eSend Billing (emailed bills) The Township now offers eSend utility billing: bills that are emailed to you, instead of mailed. If you are a utility customer in Perth East, you can sign up to have your bills emailed to you. |
Sign Application |
Signs on Township road allowances may require a sign application. Please note that your sign may also require an application from Perth County and/or the Ministry of Transportation. If your sign is in a Conservation Authority area, you also may have to obtain approval from your local authority. |
Building Permits |
Are you building, renovating or adding to your property? Start with filling out a general Building Permit Application Form. To view more building and renovating applications, please visit the Building Permit applications page. Apply online at |
Dog Licences |
To view the current year dog tag notice and application, please visit the Dog Tags page or contact the Township of Perth East at 519-595-2800. |
Private Service Permit |
Section 210, of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 45 and amendments thereto, provides that the Councils of all municipalities may pass by-laws for authorizing of laying down, maintenance and use of pipes and other necessary works for the transmission of water, gas, telephone, hydro, sewage or private services on, in, under, along or across any highway under the jurisdiction of the council. To apply for a private service permit, click here. |
Entrance Permits |
Visit the Entrance Permits page for full details about the permit and process. All new road access points for laneways, driveways and field entrances require an entrance permit. The application form and fee are submitted to the Public Works Office for approval. |
Kennel Licences |
Kennels within the Township of Perth East are regulated as per By-law 34-2015. Visit the Kennels page for more information on Kennels.
To apply for or renew a Kennel Licence, download the printable Kennel Application. |
Lottery Licences |
To learn more information about Lottery Licences, related fees and regulations, visit the Lottery Licensing page. Applying for a Lottery Licence Copies of all applications are available at the Township of Perth East Municipal Office or on line at Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario website |
Planning Applications |
Before making an application for a minor variance or zoning, it is recommended that you contact the Township Planner to discuss your application. *Please note that severances and official plan amendments are completed through the County of Perth, not the Township. To view more information about Planning or further applications, visit the Planning page. |
Marriage Licence Application |
Couples wishing to be married in Ontario must complete a marriage licence application form, signed by both parties to the marriage. The application form must be submitted, with the appropriate identification (2 pieces of government issued ID), in person by one or both of the parties to the Municipal Office. The fee for a marriage licence at the Township of Perth East is payable by cash, debit or cheque, to the Township of Perth East. To view more info about obtaining a marriage license and the fee, please visit the Life Events page. |
Refreshment Vehicle
Refreshment Vehicles within the Township of Perth East are regulated as per By-law 52-2022. Anyone wishing to operate a Refreshment Vehicle in Perth East must complete an application form and fire department checklist. |