Funding Opportunities

Below are funding opportunities available through a variety of programs and agencies. Please note that the programs and agencies are in no way affiliated with the Township of Perth East and therefore the Township is not responsible for the accuracy of information or administration of the funding programs offered.

Find some tips and tricks here if you are writing a grant or proposal! 

Stratford Perth Community Foundation 

 Funding Streams

1. Community Grants Program 
Provides funding to support vital services delivered by located charitable and community-based organizations in Perth County.
Criteria for applying to the Community Grants funding stream:
  • Address existing and emerging community needs, opportunities and demonstrate innovation
  • Strengthen the applicant’s and the community’s capacity
  • Have additional funding partners and/or developed strong collaborative relationships
  • Improve organizational effectiveness
  • Demonstrate fiscal responsibility and sustainability
  • Receive volunteer support from the community
  • Build on the community’s strengths, assets, skills and resources
  • Develop leadership and self-reliance, mobilize civic participation and resources
  • Do not duplicate programs offered
  • Multi-year projects may be considered


2. Regional Smart & Caring Community Grant Program

Smart & Caring Communities is a landmark effort that brings together community foundations from across Canada in response to the Former Governor General, David Johnston’s challenge to build a ‘smart and caring nation’ in celebration of Canada’s sesquicentennial. Smart & Caring Community Grants are available for the six regions of the Stratford Perth Community Foundation’s geographic footprint – Stratford, St. Marys, North Perth, Perth East, Perth South and West Perth. Grants will be awarded to applicants that show how their program/project responds to their community’s priorities in a smart and caring way.

Note: Available funding for the Smart & Caring Community Grants is determined by the size of the respective regional fund and the investment results from the previous year. This may result in different funding amounts for each region. At this time, we anticipate each region will have between $2,000 to $3,000 in available funding, with the exception of Stratford, which will have between $5,000 to $7,000 available.


Criteria for applying to the Smart & Caring Community Grants funding stream:
  • Project/Program addresses a priority need specifically in one of the six geographic areas identified in the application
  • Project/Program helps create smart caring communities where local citizens can succeed, contribute and develop their talents to their fullest potential
  • Project/Program mobilizes civic participation
  • Application to the Smart & Caring Community grant Program must not duplicate any other application submitted to the SPCF Community Grants Program
  • A charitable organization may submit a unique grant application to both Grant Programs


Eligibility Guidelines

To be eligible to apply for a grant from the Community Foundation, the applicant must

  • Be registered as a charity with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for at least one (1) year and have filed at least one (1) T3010 with CRA, or be sponsored by same
  • Provide services for or within Perth County, Stratford and/or St. Marys
  • Provide services without discrimination

Projects not eligible for grants from the Community Foundation include:

  • Programs that have direct religious or political activity
  • Programs that are mandated by another funder
  • Expenses incurred prior to awarding the grant
  • Deficit reduction, debt retirement, reserves, mortgage pay-down
  • Endowment and fundraising campaigns
  • Core operating costs
  • Individuals


Please check out the Stratford Perth Community Foundation for more information and Grant Opportunities and Deadlines

United Way Perth-Huron

United Way Perth-Huron is a leader in understanding the root cause of social issues and bringing people and resources together to find lasting solutions. United Way Perth-Huron is creating real change in the lives of people - meaningful, positive change not just for today but for the long term. 

General Eligibility (New Initiative and Impact Funding Grants)

  • Provide services to Perth County and/or Huron County
  • Be a well-established qualified donee (as defined by the Canadian Revenue Agency)
  • Have a volunteer Board of Directors
  • Submit annual financial reviews
  • Be non-partisan
  • Adhere to United Way Perth Huron policies


Impact Funding

This funding stream is intended for ongoing projects/program that are park of the organizations over-arching structure and mission.  Organizations must be fulfilling community needs as identified by the United Way Perth-Huron (UWPH) Framework, and must demonstrate excellence in terms of programming, community collaboration and operational management.  Organizations that are not currently funded by UWPH are welcome to apply for an Impact Funding Grant.

Impact funding applications will be only considered every three years. The year after applications are received will be considered the first year of the funding cycle.


New Initiative Grants

United Way Perth-Huron recognizes that encouraging new approaches and innovations in community services and programs are important. The New Initiative Grant funding stream was created to respond to:

  • Emerging needs
  • Test and evaluate new models of service
  • Support collaborative partnerships or smaller-scale projects
  • Assist in the pilot of new projects

Amount: Up to $20,000

Term: funding for one year


Youth in Action Grants

Youth in Action Grants are a one-time grant opportunity for program that are youth-led and offer creative ideas to address youth community issues in Perth and Huron Counties. Youth and/or groups of youth between the ages of 14 and 24 are invited to submit an application in partnership with an adult trustee (25+). These funds support youth-led projects that positively benefit the participants’ communities and support youth development.

Please note that Youth In Action Grants do not have to meet the same eligibility requirements as the other investment streams and no EOI will be required.

Amount: up to $1,000

Term: One time amount 


Website link:

Ontario Trillium Foundation 

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), is one of Canada's leading grant-making foundations and is an agency of the Government of Ontario. OTF is a catalyst that enables Ontarians to work together to enhance the quality of life in their communities. They believe that communities across Ontario are rich in talent, creativity and drive, and our grants stimulate communities to build on these assets.

Grant Streams:

Seed Grants: Grants that support projects at the idea or conceptual staff to staff a Priority Outcomes.
Activities funded include:
  • Conducting new research or feasibility studies
  • Testing new approaches
  • Hosting discussions about emerging issues or new opportunities
  • Developing a new idea
  • Launching a new event
  • Convening people together

Amount: From $5,000 to $75,000

Term: Up to 1 year


Grow Grants: Grants that support the evidence based development of activities to achieve a Priority Outcome
Activities funded include:
  • Replicating, adapting or scaling a proven model
  • Piloting or demonstrating a tested model

Amount: From $50,000 to $250,000 per year

Term: 2 to 3 years


Capital Grants: Grants that broaden access, improve community spaces to achieve a Priority Outcome
Activities funded include:
  • Buying and installing equipment
  • Doing renovations, installations and repairs
  • Building structures or spaces
  • Making better use of technological resources

Amount: From $5,000 to $150,000
Term: Up to 1 year

Libro Credit Union

Making Positive Local Impact

Libro invests 100% of profits back into the people, businesses and communities we serve. One of the ways we do this is by supporting organizations that are making a positive local impact helping address some of the most challenging issues in southwestern Ontario: Employment, Financial Resilience, Local Food Accessibility and Housing.

Sponsorships, Donations and Partnerships

Through Sponsorships and Donations, Libro provides in-kind and financial support up to $20,000 for local initiatives and events aligned with our pillars. 

Applications for $20,000 and above will be reviewed as Impact Partnerships. Libro partners with organizations that help us advance our strategic social purpose in southwestern Ontario creating measurable outcomes in the areas we have identified as our pillars. 

Please keep in mind: 

  • Applications for Sponsorships, Donations and Impact Partnerships are accepted year-round.
  • There is only one application form and the questions will vary based on the support requested. 
  • Typically, 4 - 6 weeks are required for us to decide on applications under $20,000 and then contact you with a response.
  • Partnership applications up to $50,000 will be reviewed bi-monthly. Applications over $50,000 will be reviewed quarterly.
  • Previous support by Libro Credit Union does not guarantee approval of your application and not all eligible requests can be funded.

Ineligible applicants or projects:
•    Not aligned with Libro pillars
•    Individual or private business applicant
•    Projects and programs that take place outside of southwestern Ontario
•    Requests that attach significant legal exposure or financial risk to Libro
•    Partisan or religious events or initiatives that are not open to all members of the community

Website Link:

Trillium Mutual Insurance Company 

 The Trillium ROOTS Community Support Fund will ensure that continuous meaningful assistance will be provided in the future. They have established a new and fresh approach that is designed to improve the consistency of support over time and provide an independent and objective process. Requests for funding are reviewed quarterly. 

Trillium ROOTS Community Fund focus areas include:

1. Healthcare
2. Recreation and Wellness
3. Emergency Response (Fire Fighters)
4. Agricultural
5. Eco/Sustainability/Other



Recognizing Our Opportunity To Support (ROOTS) would like to hear from you regarding capital projects and facility/equipment upgrades in your community.


Capital Project Definition

Capital projects for consideration will include the construction, expansion or major renovations of facilities as well as purchasing equipment to enhance the services provided.

Grants Ontario

Grants Ontario is a source for grants provided by a number of Government of Ontario ministries. This site provides a one-window access to information about grants available to you and how to apply for grants, and how to check the status of your application. 

For a list of grant opportunities and more information please check the website. 

Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund
 The FCC AgriSpirit Fund is about enhancing rural communities. If your organization is raising money for a capital project (construction of or upgrades to a hospital, medical centre, childcare facility, rink, sportsplex, etc., purchase of fire and rescue equipment) and your city or town has less than 150,000 people, your project may qualify for a donation.

The sustainable use of resources contributes to successful community development. Does your project enhance the lives of residents or contribute to sustainability in your community? Examples include upgrades to heating and cooling systems in a community building, installing new windows in a rec centre or purchasing capital items for a recycling facility. If so, we encourage you to apply.

Amount: $5,000-$25,000

Eligible groups include:

  • Charities registered with the Canada Revenue Agency
  • Non-profit organizations capable of partnering with a municipal body, territorial or provincial government. The municipal body must also agree to receive contributed money and issue a receipt.
  • A municipal body (town, city under 150,000 people, rural municipality or First Nations band)

To be eligible, your project must:

  • Be located in a rural community with a population of fewer than 150,000
  • Recognize FCC’s contribution
  • Be completed within two years of receiving funding
  • Be a capital project (equipment, building funds)


  • Only online applications will be evaluated
  • Your organization/program isn’t eligible if it’s received support from the FCC AgriSpirit Fund in the past four years
  • Preference may be given to projects that contribute to sustainability in communities
  • FCC employees and their immediate family members are not eligible for the FCC AgriSpirit Fund
  • If your organization is selected, you’ll need to sign a letter of agreement with FCC and show documentation of project completion
Kindred Charitable Fund

The Kindred Charitable Fund  is an endowment that offers annual project grants to churches and charitable organizations. Established in 1999, with an initial endowment of $360,000 to Abundance Canada, the endowment has distributed over $1,000,000 to 146 churches and charities in our communities.

Grant applications are accepted each fall, and decisions are announced by the end of December.

Rural Economic Development Fund
Ontario's Rural Economic Development (RED) program helps rural communities remove barriers to community economic development.

The RED program supports the government's plan to create jobs, grow the economy, and help people in their everyday lives by

  • helping remove barriers to economic development for rural communities, Indigenous communities and organizations, and not-for-profit organizations
  • helping rural communities identify their economic strengths and develop strategies to attract business and investment which will help to retain and create jobs
  • helping rural communities and partners to be in a more competitive economic position so that they can diversify and grow their local economies - making economic growth more inclusive so that Ontario's growing economy delivers real benefits to rural Ontario

Who can apply

In order to be eligible to apply applicant(s) must:

  • be one of:
    • a legal entity that is a not-for-profit 
    • a municipality
    • a local services board 
    • an Ontario Indigenous community or organization
  • have the authority to enter into a legal agreement
  • be in compliance with all requirements of law and agree to remain in compliance for the term of the contribution agreement (if the project is approved)

Under the RED program, all successful applicants that enter into a contribution agreement with the Province of Ontario will have joint and several liability for any project that is funded.

Canada Post Foundation 
The Canada Post Community Foundation for Children makes a real difference in the lives of children and youth in communities across Canada by helping local organizations, charities and schools. In 2018, 112 organizations delivering essential programs for children and youth shared almost $1.2 million in funding from the Foundation.

In the past seven years, the Foundation has provided more than $7 million to build libraries, create sports and breakfast programs, and ensure access to crisis lines, anti-bullying and mental health initiatives, special needs clinics and life-skills training. The money has helped promote physical activity and play for children of all abilities and helped at-risk youth gain a better understanding of how education is vital to their future. 

Organizations applying for a grant must:

  • be a registered charity with a Canadian Charitable Registration Number OR a registered non-profit organizations with a valid B/N business registration number OR a school (as defined by the education act in each province) OR an unregistered community organization OR a community library OR a registered Canadian amateur athletic association
  • have a volunteer Board of Directors/organizing committee
    • while paid employees can be used to deliver programming, the Board of Directors must be unpaid positions (payment for expenses incurred by the Directors is acceptable)
  • have a detailed plan for the project being submitted (Signature Grant applications exempted)
  • have a budget for the project being submitted (Signature Grant applications exempted)
  • have:
    • All Signature Grant applicants must have Independent Audited Financial Statements
    • At a minimum, a Review Engagement Report (for grants valued at $15,001 to $25,000)
    • At a minimum, a Notice to Reader – Compilation Engagement (for grants valued at $5,001 to $15,000)
  • For grants up to $5,000, the Foundation would require, at a minimum, the organization’s financial statement/plan for the current year

The Foundation will support:

  • projects aimed at building front-line capacity to provide community-based support for children
  • projects that:
    • address needs of children living with disabilities, illness, who are vulnerable
    • enhance the ability of families and communities to nurture their children
    • extend a caring hand to the children of our community, build better futures for our children and, ultimately, a stronger community
    • support educational, preventative, therapeutic and rehabilitative programs for children, youth and their families
  • projects that focus on: education, development, culture/civic programs, health and physical activity, social services and arts and culture for youth and families

Maximum Funding Allotted: $50,000 

 Grand River Conservation Authority

New grant program for farmers in upper Nith River subwatershed

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is pleased to announce a new grant program undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada through the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change Great Lakes Protection Initiative for agricultural producers in the upper Nith River subwatershed. These grants and incentives are available for farmers interested in trying out new Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) or implementing projects to manage phosphorus losses from their land.

This one-year program is targeted toward the Nith River subwatershed upstream of New Hamburg; an area of clay plain which is prone to erosion. The program brings cost share funding to parts of Perth County and builds on the funding available from the Rural Water Quality Programs in Waterloo Region and Wellington County.

The grants and incentives are designed to offset the cost of trying new practices such as cover crops, no-till or reduced-till planting, soil testing, crop nutrient plans, and alternative phosphorus application techniques. Tree planting projects, watercourse fencing, and erosion control structures may also be eligible for funding.

“This program is a win-win for producers and downstream water users” says Anne Loeffler, GRCA Conservation Specialist “These practices have been shown to help keep soil and nutrients on the land where they are a valuable crop resource. At the same time, these BMPs protect water quality for the drinking water intakes downstream and support Lake Erie phosphorus reduction initiatives”. 

Producers in the upper Nith River subwatershed are encouraged to contact the GRCA now to apply for funding. Grants and incentive payments will be available beginning in April 2021. The program ends in March 2022.

For more information, contact the GRCA at or call 519-621-2761 and ask to speak to a Conservation Specialist.

To learn more about the broad range of services and grants that are available through the GRCA, visit

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