

The Township of Perth East is located at the headwaters of river systems which flow outwards in three directions. All water from Perth East ultimately ends up in either Lake Huron to the north, Lake St Clair to the west, or Lake Erie to the south.

As such, Perth East is a member municipality of three different Conservation Authorities which oversee and regulate all work which is in or near bodies of water or floodplains.

Maitland Valley Conservation Authority

The western portion of our municipality drains through the Maitland River and its tributaries to Lake Huron. The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority has jurisdiction and responsibility in this area.

View a detailed watershed map for the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority.

Grand River Conservation Authority

The north-east portion of our municipality drains through Smith Creek, the Nith River and ultimately through the Grand River to Lake Erie. The Grand River Conservation Authority has jurisdiction and responsibility in this area.

View a watershed map for the Grand River Conservation Authority.

Upper Thames Conservation Authority

The southern portion of our municipality drains through the Thames River and its tributaries to Lake St. Clair. The Upper Thames Conservation Authority has jurisdiction and responsibility in this area.

View a detailed watershed map for the Upper Thames Conservation Authority.

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